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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How To Open A Business Using Venture Capital Funds

Both Venture capitalists & Business Angels are really just investors in your business. This is because the objective is simmilar to what it will be for any other investor. The business or individuals involved will normally be reviewing tons of business profiles until one is found that have some synchronicity with the values and objectives of the funder.

Venture capitalists & Business Angels will normally find you through a combination of channels. As an entrepreneur looking for business funding you may be found either through joining a network of investors, sending your business plan to investors that you know of, or in some rare cases they may find you, either through a referral or recommendation from someone else.

Once contact has been made and a background check has been done, the management team will contact the entrepreneur so a meeting can be set to talk more about the idea that was envisioned by the person. If everything sounds good, then the funding will take place similar to how a student in school is able to get a grant in order to conduct the project.
The difference here is that the Venture capitalists & Business Angels will hold a certain percentage of shares in the business. This means a team of people will be working with the entrepreneur in seeing things through. This is done to protect the investment given by the company to ensure its success in the long term.

One of the industries being funded regularly by Venture capitalists & Business Angelss is the information technology industry. Despite that, the chances of someone in another field who would like the same thing to happen is still possible because there are also companies out there looking for the next big break.

Everyone becomes a winner when VCs, business angels and the entrepreneur sign an agreement and turn that idea into a reality. This is because despite the risks involved in starting something new, the determination of the entrepreneur and the experience of the Venture capitalists & Business Angels can easily tackle the bumps on the road by steering clear from it.

Venture capital funding is when a startup business or an existing one needs funds from outside people to sustain or keep it growing. While there are banks that can help do this, it is easier to deal with private individuals since the interest rates are not that high and these supporters become strategic partners.

As an entrepreneur, attracting venture capital funding of course also holds many other benefits for your business. You only need to speak to a business owner who has been there and done that to know that VCs, not only will provide you with the funding, but as their money is on the line, you will gain, experience, valuable contacts, a much needed confidant when times are tough.